I have been struck down with the dreaded lurgy!!! After laughing at everyone else for having to take time off I have had to eat my own words. I am sitting here now feeling sorry for myself and full of cold but rather than sit here watching Jeremy Kyle and Escape to the Country all day I thought I would reflect on last week.
Over the last couple of weeks, as I have mentioned, it has been death by referencing so when Mandy (ICT lecturer) told us we were going to learn how to use Word as a referencing tool, I have to admit I was looking for the nearest door. However, this may have been one of the most useful referencing lessons we have had. It would seem that by using Word you can input the information directly and it will sort it for you and make your life easier. This to me sounds like a fantastic idea although after having a small go myself it was not as easy as Mandy make it look. As always though I will persevere with it and see where it takes me.
We were also asked to look at Education past, present and future and how things have and will change over the years. I have been given education 10 years ago which apart from the use of technology we do not think has changed that much. I left school over ten years ago though and think children do learn easier now, therefore there must be something which has changed. We will research this more this week to see why this is.
We have an exam tomorrow, so I am determined to shake this cold off, get my voice back and pass the exam. Fingers crossed!
You are doing a fantastic job girl...keep going! Don't leave the Referencing till you need it, have another go at the sample I gave you.