Saturday 12 January 2013

Back to the Grindstone

This week we returned back to university after a fantastic Christmas break and what a week it has been. 
We received our first exam results back for Essential Skills and I am very pleased and relieved to say I passed.  
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Tthis week has mainly been preparing us for our end of month exams.  If I said I wasn't worried and I was completely relaxed about them I would most definitely be lying.  However, at the beginning of the week I had not got a clue what to study and despite reading about Vygotsky and Piaget's ideas, on the days I wasn't travelling around Europe over Christmas, I didn't think any of it had sunk in.  I am however, pleased to report that after the quiz we did in 21st Century Learning today something has sunk in.  It has made me feel slightly more relaxed and a bit happier about the exam ahead.  
I was also concerned about what to revise for Inclusion and Special Educational needs but again I now feel I will be able to tackle the questions and hopefully pass.  
I am not taking anything for granted though and armed with 5 books from the library, this is what I will be reading over the next couple of weeks.
There is one problem however.  The second exam for 21st Century Learning is on my birthday. Oh well once it is done I will be able to go out and celebrate being 21 again and end of exams for a couple of months.  So time to get back to the books!

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  1. Bad times about your birthday, but a double vodka afterwards to celebrate! I feel your pain, but am loving Elmo! xx

  2. Elmo is what I will hopefully look like after I pass these exams. That's jumping in the air not red all over.

  3. I need to get myself an Elmo!
