Monday 21 January 2013

Multiple Intelligences

It is snowing again outside and the stew is cooking nicely on the stove, so I think it's time to reflect on last weeks ICT lesson.  We were asked to read a short journal about Multiple Intelligences and how technology can be used to implement this in the classroom.

In 1983 Howard Gardner released his theory of Multiple Intelligences on the world.  He believed that everyone is different and has their own unique strengths in one or many of the following categories.  

He believed that this could be used to help children learn and we tried this out for ourselves today.  My group were given the task of explaining how the heart works using a public announcement.  I was a little dubious to begin with and did not want my voice to be recorded but then we had the fabulous idea of using the computer to change the way my voice sounded.  So I took one for the team, recorded it and watch this space 1b's Wiki for the finished piece.

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